Thursday, April 06, 2006

Are You Experienced?

I just got back from the DMV of Tennessee, whoop whoop. I have been a bit apprehensive about my relinquishing of the old MN one and really embracing my life as a Southerner but alas, the NEW JOB (more later) requires it.
I am not sure how to write this so that ya'll get the true heaviness of this next statement.
I need to put this on dating cards or something. I am going to scan it on the blog instead of that haggardy white girl photo up in the corner but I am going to need help with that. Fo Sho this makes me look like a 9 on the hotness scale. Seriously, the man behind me in line uttered the phrase "That picture is spectacular, I mean you are pretty, but really..." I left grinning, how often do you leave the DMV grinning? First let me say that the first photo, not so alluring. In fact, I looked spastic and I had a line of people behind me. The fun lady that had the photo that anyone would question anytime I did anything that might press the boundaries of the law did not want to budge and give me a new one. I threw out a line. "Maam, (after looking at her left hand and seeing she was single)I am 26 and single, I need a fighting chance. This was not said in a whinny tone, rather matter of fact. She look it again and it is obvious I am pleased. Enjoy the fruit of my labor my friends...Enjoy. (it will be put up in the next few days.


em said...

Excellent, Karla! You will snag so many men with your new DMV-found-hotness! hehe! That's great... and a first, really. I mean, who has a GOOD photo? I have a bearable one, but the vast majority of my friends have the most tragic and oddly-disgusting pictures of themselves on their drivers licenses. Ridiculous ogres at the DMV! Glad you worked your magic there. hehe

Sarah said...

Great! I took a nice passport photo and had a similar response. What men are going to look at your DL though?

Anonymous said...

Those that card you, Karla!